Sunday, October 10, 2004


hello. i assume that if you're reading this you must be suffering from some type of sleep apnea or something.. sorry just kidding. i suppose i could spout off my views on the upcoming election... i've been pretty much an in and out of the closet republican my entire life.. this year though, i wish i could believe kerry. i've heard him talk about a plan for this and a plan for that... where's the substance? i do like what i've heard him say regarding the ecomomy, mainly stemming the off shore outsourcing of jobs. i think it's absolutely needed and soon. i'd almost surrender any chance of conservative supreme court justices for that. however, given the man's history and character... i just don't believe him. and i'll not vote for him because of it.

well it's off to try to try to make my life happen...
don't be a stanger


Blogger Justin Harris said...

Give me mor3e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My name is Justin Harris, and I'm taking a very (un)official pole! I would like to keep this pole in the Christian community, but if others respond, COOL! First, please go to

Then, email your response to me at

I'm gunna post after a while, and you can read that too. But please don't stop there! Please read the post from Wednesday!!!!! God bless, and have a great week!

October 17, 2004 at 10:05 PM  

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