Monday, October 11, 2004

one way ticket

seems like life has gotten hard lately. i do have a relationship with Jesus, a daughter that i love very much, a few good skills (everyone needs some skills) some very good friends and a bunch of good stuff, but where is the joy and happiness? i should be counting myself blessed and possibly fortunate... heck i should feel comfortable. maybe that's the problem, the fear of losing my comfort zone. who really likes change? especially for the worse... heh? well, i don't and there has been plenty of change in my life over the past couple or three years including a divorce and all that goes along with it. there have been a couple of relationships since but let's just say that the chemistry has been either inert or rather volatile... no nice sustained reactions... yet. so where does this leave me? am i looking for or depending on people, circumstance and things to make me happy? ieeeee, i hope not. i realize that they help but that to depend on them is pretty much a mistake. to tell you the truth i really didn't think that i was, but considering my general unhappiness, i'm really questioning that. maybe this thing is chemical, eh.. probably not. more importantly where does God figure into this? have i tried to shuffle Him off to sit in a corner of my life where he can spring out and save me when i need Him? or is He watching me like a father watches His child, letting me make my own choices and trying to give me guiding advice which i can choose to listen to if i want? or is He much more active with a definite plan, controlling and leading me into situations which are designed to shape me into the person that He wants me to be for His good and mine? i almost hope it's the latter but is there any way to really know? i don't think so and i see that there is only one choice here... Onward.

don't be a stranger


Blogger Howdim said...

You are asking: "or is He much more active with a definite plan, controlling and leading me into situations which are designed to shape me into the person that He wants me to be for His good and mine?"

Yes, He is. Have you by any chance heard or read the book, A Purpose Driven Life". In which the author says:
" It's not about you, It's about God? He gives a full account of what life in Christ is all about. It is something I had been searching for for the 50+ years that I have been a Christian!

October 11, 2004 at 5:09 PM  
Blogger babydufus said...

thanks Howard, i realize that God is not defined by any box that i may try to put Him in and that He is. Yes, i've heard of the book and had previously dismissed it as modern day pop christianity hooey. i think i am a cynic at heart (which sometimes does me no good.) i also seem to be attracted to authors like A.W. Tozer and the more modern day Brennan Manning. have you ever heard of Brennan Manning? he has written a book called "ruthless trust" that will speak to your mind spirit and heart. i can't recommend it enough. getting back to matters at hand... would you please expound on your answer maybe with a verse or two.. or are you just going to tell me to read the boook.. hehe.. thanx again and i hope we can communicate more.

October 11, 2004 at 6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand EXACTLY where you're coming from! Sometimes, there is a sense that something is missing. What? It's just an unexplained meloncholy that creeps into your day-to-day life and infects your otherwise positive outlook. You have more blessings than you can count, but still the bad feelings keep invading your happiness. Does anyone else feel this way? How can you make someone else understand what it is you feel, when you don't really understand it yourself? It makes you introspective and morose...and WAY too serious!

November 1, 2004 at 10:51 PM  

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