Sunday, September 08, 2013

Laramie it is.

After coffee, Zinnia comes by with her mom who was equally as delightful and then we break camp and git along through the western portion of Nebraska which we find to be flat and full of corn.  The choice of radio station becomes even more bleak with far fewer stations.  The positive side was that it was supremely funny to go through the fm scan function and hear only snippets of songs... The best series was probably "a twelve pack of king beer in the pack of my truck" followed by "the bible has no errors in it but how could you know and what would it matter if you never even open it" then "biscuits 'n gravy, grits on mah plate and a waitress who calls me baby" and "hot and breezy but don't dismiss the possibility of a late afternoon shower or thunderstorm" topped off by "celebrate good times who hoo."  We decide to play the highway alphabet game and we make it to Y. No z for us today even though we went through the alphabet twice the day before.  Fewer exits and lighter traffic, but there was corn and classic rock.  The temperature quickly climbed to the 100's and we later saw 103.  And its pretty breezy... Enough so that the concentration level required to keep Priscilla between the lines is elevated.  The speed limit is 75 but I try to keep it around 70 with most of the trucks.

At some point in the day we time travel back again to one pm in the afternoon and the terrain begins rolling, we stop at a Taco Bell because even though there are signs, we now know that taco John's is a lie. Lula goes for a walk and pees next to a sign where words were facing the other way.  as we continue our walk we turn to read the sign that says "pets not allowed on the grass. premises monitored by security camera."  Oopsie, lula is probably a wanted dog in Nebraska now.  It's a good thing We hightailed it across into Wyoming.  The terrain changes with rock outcrops and small bluffs. It cools to 99 and nancy considers getting out her hoodie. Still no Z goddammit.

Wyoming proves to be one really really really long uphill grade which lasts well past Cheyenne. Priscilla downshifts quite often and the gas mileage goes out the window with my patience.  The speed limit is 75 but we are having trouble with 55 at times.  After Cheyenne the terrain becomes more rocky and more beautiful. Some clouds begin to build and darken several miles to the north and south of us but  it's ok because we haven't ruled out the possibility of an afternoon shower or thunder storm.  the grade finally tops out at like 8500 above sea level. Then there is a 5 mile long 5 degree downhill grade on which it finally rains after threatening for so long.  Priscilla a actually gains speed on it soon after we make it to Laramie and our rv park that is about a quarter of a mile off the highway but we don't care because there is a gigantic rain bow just off to the north. 

 And there's some of zinnias corn and garden bounty followed by noodles and meatballs. It begins to cool nicely.  There's a poop walk out by the highway which ends with lula trying to make friends with a rabbit who decides he'd rather be alone and hops off to conduct its rabbit business elsewhere.  Lula is disappointed to have not made a new friend but is happy to find that nancy has washed her bedding when we get back to Priscilla.  I begin my post and consider sleep as it has cooled now to the 50s. Nice. 

Is pretty buggy. Priscilla and lula are going to need baths before too long.


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