Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Restless feline

The nature of a cat?
Who can truly know?
Single minded?
Let's stop at that one.
Where albie Albertito wants to explore the outside world in the wee hours of the morning and will not let a puny night screen window shade stop him.

Well he made it through the shade (grabslabbinbagddankinmtherfrunker) doing who know how many dollars worth of damage but was stopped by the window screen and nanky shooing him away and telling him he was a little axe hole. Me? I used the "f" word.

I can just imagine him as he thought to himself with his walnut sized brain.....
"If I stick my claw in... right here... and pull.. this baby should peel open easier than a double plastic lined bag of delicious cat chunks."

Lula sat and watched.  Or maybe she just slept through it (dogs are much simpler in this way as they seem to live in the moment.) however, she did not miss the opportunity to "buff" at the strange night sounds every once in a while which seemed to coincide with the exact moment I was able to achieve sleep.

This morning  lula and I went for a morning walk around the park.  It is a mixture of mobile RVs, RVs turned into cottages and small trailer house cottages.  oh and poison ivy, lots of poison ivy.

We kept our distance and so should you.

The cats have had their breakfast and have returned to their hidey hole lairs to weather the upcoming day's travel and contemplate tonight's revenge.


Blogger Unknown said...

Ninja Cats seek revenge...stay tuned.

September 4, 2013 at 10:54 AM  

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