Wednesday, March 09, 2005

I have a guest

a guest blogger that is. you see, i have this uh... friend.. yeah that's it, a friend. let's call her... blue ryder...

don't be a stranger and enjoy..

The Ride of Your Life

Since I was a wee lass, I've never been one to sleep while travelling. From car to train rides, short flights to long, you'll find me bright-eyed and bushy-tailed from start to end.

But in the last month or so, on my many cab rides to and from work, I find myself strangely lulled by the whirrs and bumps of the engine. Even getting strangely aroused by the subtle vibrations. And I find myself trying to catch my breath or strangely relaxed and content at the end of the ride.

With this new trait, I've developed a phobia about jumping into a car with someone else (usually suits with whom I have to go to meetings)in case they catch me getting hot and bothered. And I worry about seeing a day when I might end up making an indecent proposal to my driver - not the 'droolsome' cabbies please. Oh no no no.

Needless to say, commute has been far more satisfying than ever. So maybe... just maybe, the car really is the extension of the penis.

Are you headed my way?

Friday, March 04, 2005

two.. no three things...

...i'd like to find someday... do they exist?

1. the perfect affordable red wine
best to date - grant burge cabernet. a wonderfully fruity and rich cab. it's under $15 but drinks like a $40 - $50 bottle. yum. i can't find it anywhere right now... i have one bottle of 1998 left.. gotta drink it soon. see number three.

2. the perfect power pop band
best to date - arlo. a now defunct cali band... if you like power pop and get a chance to pick up "stab the unstoppable here" DO IT!

3. the perfect lover
best to date - you know who you are.. far and above all the rest...
currently accepting applications.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

an omen? naah. just more weirdness

ok i'm driving to trivia at this pretty cool bar called rira tonight and i come to a stop at a light in the city. i look over and i'm stopped next to a cop. she's sitting low in the seat and she looks to have her rather short hair pinned to her head like a second skin. she glances over at me with a look that goes right through me. that's nice, i think to myself, usually the women cops appear to be those ultra butch types. so anyway we're waiting for the light to change and this long dark haired attractive thin woman in tight black leather and heels is crossing in front of us. this is kinda nice scenery, i think to myself and halfway across she notices something on the road and bends to pick it up... i'm thinking to myself... what the freak could be so important that this chick is going to have to accomplish no small feat of near gymnastic skill, poise and balance to pick up what ever it is. all of this quickly goes out of my mind as she bends over and provides us with a "show" and now i'm thinking, hey honey, you might just be getting a little more than you bargained for here... the cop startles both me and her by putting on her flashing lights, you know the blue and red ones. the woman pick the object up, looks up, straightens up and goes along her way. the cop accelerates through the red light... i go on to win trivia.. our team got a weber bbq grill.. what's it all mean i ask you... what's it all mean?

dont be a stranger