Friday, February 11, 2005

fine. go ahead and laugh

Ok. i get my hair cut at this kinda cool place. i go there because the women are all hotties, most of them are quite funny, the price is fair, they are all hotties, they make me look good and they are all hotties. now this one chick usually cuts my hair is running late (I think that she was making a lunch run,) so the owner says "come on over bri and i'll get you started sammi will be back in a minute" whoo hoo... i'm being pampered. so she starts washing and razzing me as she always does (she once pulled up along side my car at a stop light, rolled down her window and yelled “hey! nice blue penis.” (i have a witness to this.)) i notice that one of the other chicks keeps looking at me as in "eye contact." then she walks by three or four times with the same thing going on. so obviously you know there are all sorts of guy thoughts running through my head while vanessa is chatting away washing my hair..
a side note.. i LOVE to have my head rubbed... back to the story.
so finally this chick stops and looks me full in the face... my heart skips and are you ready? here's the discourse

chick #1 – “have you ever had your eyebrows waxed?”
me in shock – “why no”
vanessa – “you know bri you need to get those puppies taken care of.. they are a bit out of control.. you're a good looking guy, but with nice eyebrows... i'd do you.”
me – “oh really, i thought you were attached.”
vanessa – “come on, all of the guys are doing it these days. It’s very metro. just let her do it. you won't be sorry. it doesn't hurt.”

Um… let's stop this right here.. any ladies reading this know that is a lie from the pit of hell... but innocent little me? not a clue.. on with the story

Me – well ok.
Chick #1 – “ok put your head back and relax” (this should have been the second warning sign) she applies warm wax between my browse.
Vanessa – watches intently
Me – “mmmmmm”
Chick #1 – applies cloth thing to wax
Me – “that feels really go…”
Chick #1 – pulls cloth in one quick maneuver seemingly ripping the entirety of my forehead from my face
Vanessa – laughing “oh come on don’t be a pussy.”
Me- “holy crap that hurt”
Chick #1 – “awww. it’s not that bad. I get a bikini wax done all the time, can you imagine me at the beach with out one?”
Me - …
Chick #1 – “well?”
Me – “let me tell you that there have not been very many times in my life that I have been speechless but you well…”
Chick #1 – giggles and proceeds to do the tops and bottoms.
Me – “so Vanessa..”
Vanessa – “go sit in sammi’s chair.”
Me - “dang”

what's the point of this?
it doesn't have one...
just go ahead and laugh. but do leave comments!

don't be a stranger


Blogger Pep said...

It's good to be a guy.
Well... not in that case per se, but... erm... in general it's good to be a guy.


February 11, 2005 at 7:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just as I was typing a reply I spilled Italian bitters on my laptop... my keyboard is still a bit erratic. Anyway, yes about the sassy hair girls... well now i've forgotten what my point was. Oh yes! Congratulations on getting your eyebrows waxed. Chicks dig that sort of thing.

February 11, 2005 at 8:43 PM  
Blogger tomorrowgirl said...

Oh, the things you do for lust.

So what happens if a hottie slides up to you and whispers, "You know, if you got a unibrow, I'd so do you"?

February 11, 2005 at 10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there must be something like a merkin for eyebrows

February 11, 2005 at 11:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there must be something like a merkin for eyebrows

February 11, 2005 at 11:24 PM  
Blogger The Smoking Redhead said...

LOL, yes that hot wax can be deceptive. Now seriously imagine having that same procedure done on a bikini line

but...that is sexy, hot that you got your eyebrows done

February 12, 2005 at 12:45 AM  
Blogger Gorgeous Girl said...

pussy. It does hurt though

February 12, 2005 at 3:59 PM  
Blogger boabhan sith said...

I'm so glad I've never had to mess with my eyebrows. My best friend has to have them waxed all the damn time b/c she's got thick dark hair...being blonde (although dark blonde) my eyebrows are naturally BEAUTIFUL.
...I can't believe you let her talk you into it. Men will do anything if you tempt them with sex.

February 13, 2005 at 11:23 PM  
Blogger Webmiztris said...

People make a big deal out of waxing, but I don't understand why. Sure, it hurts, but the pain literally lasts a total of two seconds. Even the worse pain imaginable isn't so bad when it only lasts two seconds! People say the same thing about my tongue ring - "OMG, that must have hurt!!" I'm like, only for two seconds. I'm a total wuss, but even I can handle pain for two seconds.

Anyway, she did promise to 'do you' if you got the eyebrows done. So did she? ;)


February 15, 2005 at 11:12 AM  

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