Sunday, October 17, 2004

learning new kung foo moves

you've seen these automatic paper towel dispensers right? man are these things the scourge of the earth? you either wave your dripping wet hands in front of this one eyed design element device that dispenses a premeasured amount (which is not nearly enough) of paper towel for you to dry with. but wait, if you don't want to do the dripping hand wave, you can either flap your elbows at it like some kind of water fowl or invent some type of a kung fu like dance to activate the sensor. AND... if you actually want to get a sufficient amount of drying material... well, you'll have to go through a slightly more involved process of waiting for the dispensational cycle to end, pulling on the towel and only then do you get to repeat the whole wave (or martial arts dance) maneuver. who's bright idea was this? and just what are these things supposed to prove? are they supposed to save someone money, make someone money, or just show that the particular establishment is technically savy? hey did you see our new paper towel dispensers... they match our new g5s. i know there has to be some kind of learning to be had here... can someone please help me see it???

it's ok to be strange just...
dont be a stranger


Blogger cedia said...

Brian, it's your lucky day. I have the answer. The person who invented this was probably a germ-conscious person.

What a great idea! Beats the heck out of using the badussy-germ-infested(butt,ass,d*&k,p&*ssy) paper towel handle, especially in public restrooms. ewwwy.

Does that help?

October 18, 2004 at 12:09 AM  
Blogger babydufus said...

ok, i'll give you that one...
but what about the insufficient "funds"?
and that's not even taking into account everyone's secret fear of getting figuring out (now that you are clean) how to get out of the restroom in question with out touching the door (which undoubtably was last used by a walking germ factory who didn't wash)... say that gives me a idea for a new product....

October 18, 2004 at 6:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did a little research on touch free paper towel dispensers. One of the popular ones is Georgia Pacific's enMotion. This dispenser has settings to adjust sheet length, time delay, and sensor range. It also doesn't allow a new towel to be dispensed until the previous one has been removed. I wouldn't be surprised if the default settings are fairly conservative to provide savings by reducing the amount of paper towel used per person, and most places don't bother to customize it to something that will work better. The though here is probably, "You can have as many paper towels as you'd like, but you'll have to compromise on time to be able to get them."


October 18, 2004 at 12:14 PM  
Blogger cedia said...

Sure. Someone's cranking that sh!t up now as we speak. I flush with my shoes, I turn the paper towel handle first then wash my hands, and I use the towel to open the door. Nasties are everywhere we go, especially in public restrooms. ugghh.

October 18, 2004 at 10:12 PM  
Blogger Monkey said...

Brian I like your style man - had to bookmark you and keep reading you.
Keep up the great work!

October 18, 2004 at 10:17 PM  

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