Sunday, November 14, 2004

waiting for something exciting to happen...

so, what are you doing?
I went to see "the incredibles" yesterday and it actually inspired a few thoughts to pop into my brian... mr incredible steps out of his car and in a sort of fit of frustration picks up a car into the air and this little kid in the audience hollers (in a cute little kid voice) "WOW! he's really strong!" it was good for a laugh and a thought of how amazing the innocent wonder of a child can be and how easy it is to loose that... the wonder of a new discovery, a moment, a song, a sunset, a special someone, the butterflies of being in love... lesson one.
ok so, back to the movie. as the car is in the air, mr incredible notices a kid on a trike watching him. so he puts the car down. the next time he comes home the little kid is there watching him. mr incredible asks, "what are you doing?" and the kid says.. "waiting for something exciting to happen." well that sort of stopped me. isn't that where i am... waiting for something wondrous and exciting to happen? why can't i take more time to appreciate the things around me? the things that God has put on my path to enjoy? Him, my daughter, friends, a moment, a laugh, a song... instead i find myself almost selfishly hoarding my moments in an attempt to save them for the "next big thing." foolishness, i tell you. oh i'm sure something big will happen sooner or later, hopefully it's a good thing, and now i'll try to remind myself not to miss too much along the way.
so, what did you say you were doing?

don't be a stranger


Blogger cedia said...

Sometimes when waiting for something, we miss the most important things. So is something we were waiting for worth the swap for something important in life? Not.

My kids always brings me back to life. For example, my daughter wanted to share a secret with me today.

L: Mommy, I want to tell you a secret
C: ::washing dishes:: What hunny? Just say it?
L: No, you have to come here so I can whisper in your ear.
C: *hurrily runs to daughter* Okay, what is it?
L: *Kisses me on my cheek*

Wow. I so needed that. I Love that child!

November 15, 2004 at 12:42 AM  
Blogger babydufus said...

heh... maybe she is maybe she isn't after all is she really who she says she is??? ;)
i suspect so in this case

November 15, 2004 at 7:28 PM  
Blogger cedia said...

Yes. I'm a mom of two darlings who make it their job to fight each other every time they get. I love them but could they just shut up for five seconds?

Gotta love parenting.

November 16, 2004 at 10:03 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

SingleBabe, you really are trying to start some guicy jossip aren't you?

November 19, 2004 at 6:46 PM  

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