Friday, October 29, 2004

c.) all of the above -or- this old blog

well, i have not been doing this blog thing for that long but i'm finding it's done me some good.
1. i get to either vent, make a statement, have a little fun or maybe c. - all of the above, as the mood strikes me.
2. in doing the above i get to organize my thoughts and hopefully somehow enhance the lives of others.... i like that
3. speaking of others.. this is where it gets weird because i, like many others (i'm guessing,) have formed a gang of aquantences or maybe friends even. how does this happen.. i know these people mostly by swapping text.. to me, a hands on kinda guy, if find that odd. heck some of them i don't even know what they look like. well. they don't know what i look like either.. that clown in the corner is not me.. it's buster my main man. so who are some of these people?
howard who is a gem of a man both wise and creative. i love him
bryan - honest, goofy, creative, genuine, serious and wants to be in love... we could be kindred.. time will tell
cedia - the hot yet married boot wearing eastern babe with a great sense of humor.. i'll have you know that's 4 for 5 in things that i really like in a woman... got any sisters?
aaron and amber - two seperate souls struggling to serve God despite their own short comings, both closer and wiser than they might think.
eleses - i read his writing and can't help but think that we share much... i almost feel sorry for him.. lol
monkey - this guy keeps a very interesting and diverse blog... is that how his brain works?

there are of course others but these are the people who i've made connections with.. thanks guys.

don't be a stranger


Blogger cedia said...

It's great to see who you are. So are you in your office or your room? I see you're a toy man. That's always cool..a kid at heart. You into robots and comics, it seems. I like the robots you got there.

So what's the 5th item on the list?

Anyhoo, I too have met great people thru blogging. I believe I stumbled onto your blogspot by darth or underhill.. one of them. OR did you stumble onto mine?? I forget. Well, doesn't matter how we met; it's that we met.

October 29, 2004 at 10:18 PM  
Blogger babydufus said...

that's my office.. i'm employed as a toy designer although i do have a few toys at home (not counting my guitars and stuff).. vinyl figures, mechanical monkeys and maybe a doll or two... the 5th thing.. lol.. well.. you would've been 4 for 4 if you weren't married.. actually the fact you like cool cars raises the statistics but i think that's offset by the ugly toe...

October 29, 2004 at 10:53 PM  
Blogger cedia said...

heheeehhe.. can't believe you mentioned my ugly toes!

October 30, 2004 at 12:32 AM  
Blogger Monkey said...

Very cool to see a picture of you friend! Thanks!
(I have a picture of myself on the top of my blog)
I'm not so sure I'd say my mind is "working" - but maybe.
Great post and I hope you're having yourself a fine weekend!

October 30, 2004 at 3:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian: Nice picture. I am glad to see what you look like. I just like things that way. So now there is a face. Thanks for the nice compliments. Bryan

October 31, 2004 at 1:18 AM  

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