Wednesday, November 10, 2004

more fingers than teeth

punkin chunkin woo-eee...
now let me tell you that i had the pleasure of attending this event and it was quite a blast... literally. who in the heck would've thought that over 40,000 people (me included) would go to see... um... i'm not sure if this is the right word.. "people" launch/fire/shoot a 10 lb pumpkin anywhere from about 50 feet to almost a mile... holy crap! and i drove over 7 hours to do so. it all started quite innocently with me telling a friend of my most recent girl woes and ended with her inviting me to "punkin chunkin." there are really no words to describe this place... it's backwoods farm country delaware and an unbelievable mix of people; sandal wearing vegans, yuppies, engineering geeks, bubba in his overalls, mulleted child molester moustache bearers, beer guzzling fat chicks with 7 kids hangin on, under aged drunken hotties showing what they got, the crisply dressed butch megalomaniac southern policewoman who prolly did goebbles one better, the inbred redneck with more fingers than teeth and me.... again holy crap... who'd a thunk it. as for the machines... well.. the cannons and and the machines are indeed impressive with the amount of engineering that it takes to propel a pumpkin from about 50 feet to well over 3/4 of a mile with stored energy. in my book it was the adventuresome that were the stars of the show.. from the bicycle powered swinging arm with that launched a 20 or so pound pumpkin straight into the crowd (no injuries.. everyone saw it coming and had enough room to run) to the trebuchet that flung a pumpkin about 300 feet straight up into the air only to smash into the machine next to it. wham!!... hehe.
now let me 'splain something... i've been to county fairs but this was WAY over the top... another friend from a town called scratch ankle in alabama (no i'm not making this up) insists that i take his video camera (i don't own one) to capture this event... so here i am i'm walking around this gathering of pumpkin launching enthusiasts like a true nerd with camera, bags and a video camera strung from my neck... strung like he rockkafella place christmas tree and i am so caught up in this extravaganza that i shoot about 15 minutes of video and i take only one fricken picture. impressive eh? maybe i'll even post it. ok so i didn't actually take the photo of that "woman" with more fingers than teeth.. but she was really there.. i just thought that she'd kick my axe if she caught me taking her picture.....

don't be a stranger

btw thanx cedia for the inspiration of a mystery idea

mystery link in honor of cedia


Blogger Jay said...

The sheer amount of laughing I did was worth the wait to read about it. Didn't you feel like a bigger dork for not using the cameras?


November 10, 2004 at 10:03 PM  
Blogger Pep said...

This is why I am sometimes thankful that there are thousands of miles of water between them and me.



November 11, 2004 at 8:29 AM  
Blogger cedia said...

You have a pumpkin fetish? First it was the pumpkin carving contest and now a punkin chukin.

Love your descriptions of the people there! Sounds like a great event. And they even have a championship of this thing? Weird.

November 11, 2004 at 9:40 AM  
Blogger babydufus said...

pumkin fetish...
hmmm. now that you mention it dr. cedia...
uh. no!
ifi have a fetish it's NOT pumpkins...
pumpkins are just well... funny

November 11, 2004 at 5:24 PM  
Blogger cedia said...

oh! oh! what's the idea? Sex in public? Yes?

November 11, 2004 at 6:00 PM  
Blogger cedia said...

oh! ::blushing:: I feel so stupid. you did the kinky black on black. LOFL. ::still blushing::
Definitely a good one. I figured it out. Now that was a record five seconds.. okay seven.

So how about the sex in public post too?

November 11, 2004 at 6:03 PM  

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