Tuesday, October 26, 2004

pumpkins and tigers and dinettes... oh my

so i decide to go to the "pumpkin spectacular" at the zoo... it's advertised as having over 5000 jack o lanterns, anyway, some friends went last year and said it was great... i figure what the heck.. how bad can it be? well, first before i really get started, it was ok. i mean i enjoyed the company i was with and some of the pumpkins and the displays were impressive... but... it cost $12 a person to get in to wait in a line that was nearly a mile long and an hours worth of wait. plus a local furniture superstore had a big screen tv playing what amounted to commercials (cleverly disguised as shorts about pumpkin carving and stuff.) it was positioned so that it was nearly impossible to avoid. ok, so that's a little scary..
finally we get into the display area and the pumpkins are arranged by theme.. and apparently the overall theme of this years display is not who can carve the scariest or funniest pumpkin but cultural diversity (ok so that's a little scary too)... there's a sections of carved pumpkins for among others, italy, germany (how nice to see you mr beethoven,) france (yes there's a carving of the eiffel tower.. how nice,) britian (the obligatory princess Diana pumpkin... now we're really starting to talk scary...) the egypt section (oh yes there are the pyramids and ol king tut hisself.. just grand isn't it) and yes there's even a grecian section.. complete with the greek flag pumpkin..(i can hear it now... ok dear what shall we carve into our pumpkin this year?.. a scary or funny face??? naahh.. too typical and besides that satan thing's been done... i know, how about the greek flag??? that should really scare the poop out the kids this year... what do you think?) i must note here that i am not "for" anything satanic, quite the contrary, but i don't think that scary pumpkins are gernerally harmful to anyone.
the grand finale is the american section complete with bald eage, soldier stationed in iraq, abe lincoln and you guessed it john kerry... AAAHHHHHHH! where's bush?.. oh yeah this is rhode island.. the liberalest state in the union...
but prior to that monstrosity is the animal section... oh there's a penguin, an owl, oh look there's mr elephant right next to the gorilla. and well i'll be.. what are all of those people crowding around over there.. oh! it's a pumpkin with an image of the same tiger that is on one of those rug like wall hangings that someone of lesser taste might buy at say.. k-mart.. and these people (who undoubtedly own and proudly display said wall hanging over the head board of their beds) and they are all taking photos of it... now that's really some scary crap... so where's the lesson here.. seriously... there but for the grace of God go i... and that pertains to a lot more than just having bad taste...

dont be a stranger


Blogger cedia said...

Interesting. Wow. Talent on a pumpkin, there's something to brag about.

C'mon now. You probably took some pictures. Do share.

October 26, 2004 at 10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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October 26, 2004 at 10:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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October 26, 2004 at 10:48 PM  
Blogger babydufus said...

i thought about it... for a second...

why the heck do i like the "..." so much?

October 26, 2004 at 10:56 PM  
Blogger Pep said...

...dunno...you tell me!


On the subject of "Pumkin Spectacular" we never get anything like that here. Princess Di? Now that's bloody scary indeed!

October 27, 2004 at 4:11 AM  
Blogger Monkey said...

Great post and writing! Love it!
Diversity through pumpkin carving - gimme a break! :-)

October 27, 2004 at 4:33 PM  

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