Sunday, November 28, 2004

is there anything worse than hippies with guitars?

i found myself at this party, quite a nice one... fun, sort of low key but not too low, no roaring drunks, good food, good music, good conversation, a few hotties and darts... people are coming and going and there's plenty of room to mill about. there are all sorts of people even some uh... the best i can describe them as is hippies or maybe hippie wanna bees. you know the sort. sort of dirty, a little greasy, mostly unkempt, near rasta hair, red eyed and smelling of herbs. now this is fine and ok with me... hey everyone has their place.
so anyway, i'm milling about, talking, playing darts and generally having a pretty good time and decide that it's a little stuffy and that it might be time for some fresh air. i decide to head for the porch, a friend notices and warns me, don't go out there. i think to myself what could possibly be so bad out there and decide to ignore his warning. as i approach, a different sort of sound reaches my ears and it almost sounds like music...
but not quite....
needless to say i don't remain very long...
it's the hippie wanna bees...
they're out there...
they have guitars, they almost know how to use them...
(now don't get me wrong here.. i have nothing against guitar players... i own more guitars than i do wearable shoes... and i know how to use them)
but they are singing...
folk music....
as i head back in and notice someone else is heading out for some air.
hey man don't go out there...
why not?
hippies.... with guitars....
oh. thanks man, i'll go out the back...

don't be a stranger


Blogger Monkey said...

Hilarious post!!!
I can just hear Cartman from South Park - "Damned HIPPIES!!!"
Thanks for the laugh! :-)

November 28, 2004 at 1:51 PM  
Blogger cedia said...

I can almost envision it ... simply horrificly funny that you went out there after you were warned. The friend that told you must've laughed his butt off.

November 29, 2004 at 8:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very very funny post. I'm trying to remember the last time I was at a party that had HWG's (hippies with guitars) It’s been a while I'm very happy to say...To my horror however, I was at a party a few months ago and a couple of girls started "granola dancing" You know the dance I mean I think: Think Elaine bad dancing from Sienfeld only more summer of love and less
crack-ho'esque... :shudder:

November 29, 2004 at 10:01 PM  

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