Sunday, October 24, 2004

frankenstein vs my little pony or when not to laugh

i 'm helping out a friend who owns a butcher/deli shop cut and wait on customers as i do on occasion. (he doesn't usually pay me but i do usually get some great steaks and stuff.) so anyway, the place is mobbed with people and i'm working at the cutting table trying to get a special order done before the guy comes in and one of the kitchen guys (skippy, who is a very nice guy but has some rough edges to him) has been drafted to help with customers. the guy upon whom he is waiting, a regular and has unbeknownst to him and me, has tourettes syndrome (not the swearing kind but the sometimes i can't control my actions kind.)
here's what happened
skippy - asks him what he wants
the guy - points to some sirloin steaks and mumbles something.
skippy - sirloin strips? how many
the guy - points to the steaks again and makes a frankenstein kinda noise (mmmmmmph)
me - at this point this event has really caught my attention and i'm being careful not to slice into any brian flesh
skippy - how many?
the guy - another frankenstein noise followed by a whinny noise and a head shake and horse blow sort of noise.
me - i am stunned. i've not witnessed this... ever. i know it would be wrong to laugh (out loud) so i don't. i try desperately to concentrate on what i am doing.
the guy- more frankenstein and horse noises now with added foot stamping
skippy - makes eye contact with me with a bewildered expression on his face
me - i try to make a subtle "i don't know what's happening here but i'm glad that you're waiting on him" type face back at skippy and pretend to go back to cutting
skippy - asks the guy "do you want to pick them out?"
the guy - points to the steaks whinnies and stomps his foot four times...
skippy - ever quick to react says... "four?"
they guy - whinnies and blows
skippy hands the guy his four steaks and pretending nothing out of the ordinary has happened moves to the next customer who is equally stunned.
me - i continue cutting, and sort of put everything into remission as i finish up the order.

some ten minutes later i walk back to the kitchen to see if i can get some lunch... skippy looks at me with the same face and it all comes back... seeing that i found that one of the funniest things that i have ever actually witnessed, i find myself doubled over laughing uncontrollably with my sides hurting and tears streaming from my eyes. now understand that i do not think that i am a mean person and i was not laughing at the guy or his condition but the circumstance itself, which was funny.... i think if it were me in the guy's place, i'm not sure but i might not mind too much if people found me funny as long as they weren't mean or hateful about it. i myself think that it is a gift to be able to make people laugh but i could see how the guy might think otherwise. thoughts?

dont be a stranger


Blogger cedia said...

It's so funny. I'm really glad you guys didn't blow up laughing infront of the guy. You guys handled yourself well.

If he didn't know you, he might think you were laughing at him in a mean way. He probably gets it alot. Besides, did -the horse! fucker!- did I tell -cat! piss !lover!- *ahem** my tourette is acting up. I would've -cat and dog fucken breeder!- sorry, again. I would've laughed my ass off right there, being I have it too but mine is more of the verbal kind.

October 24, 2004 at 1:55 PM  
Blogger cedia said...

I really don't have it. My friends and I goof off like that sometimes over conversations and emails. We'll just spit out some curse words out of the blue and then continue with our lovely quiet conversation.

October 24, 2004 at 1:57 PM  

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