Tuesday, February 08, 2005

innocent bystander? you be the judge

why is it those people who have nothing at all to say but feel an undeniable urge to spew words from their upper orifices they pick me as a victim? i don't want to be an axe.. i don't want to be impolite.. i do like like communicating with people who are interesting and sure.. ok i know i can be long winded at times and take a side road to get to a point or finish a story but i think i'm interesting.. please tell me i'm not one of those people...

- look man that eye contact was purely accidental not a solicitation for you to enlighten me with dissertations of everything behind why chemical sales are off this year, does my eyes glazing over and you hearing me say "uh-huh uh-huh" every once in a while even remotely sound like i'm feigning interest?

- hey, i was sitting here relaxing, it wasn't an invitation for you to come over and tell me how mitsubishi is in trouble because you think they make crappy cars and they haven't had more than one successful model.. i don't care.. i don't even drive one.. what did you say your name was?... oh gosh did i just ask a question inviting even more vomitous rhetoric.

- come one diarrhea mouth... I asked you how you were doing did that sound like i wanted to hear you tell me the story behind every single thing that you bought your girlfriend's kid for Christmas. so you waited in lines, that was months ago... hey bud, do you know what soliloquy is... this started out as a nice conversation but now i think i gone flatli............ beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee........

i seem to be a little grumpy today..
better head back for one of those dale carnegie refreshers

don't be a stranger


Blogger Queen on the run said...

hey thanks for stopping by!
and leaving a comment, I like this page, I will be back to read more!

February 9, 2005 at 2:19 AM  
Blogger Pep said...

Mr Carnegie says that you have been barred from attending. Those guys were your examiners, and the report card doesn't look too good..


February 9, 2005 at 7:28 AM  
Blogger The Smoking Redhead said...

feigning a heart attack works too, but then you might have to listen to the ambulance attendants story about his mother-in-laws bunions

but did I ever tell you about this one time at band camp...

February 10, 2005 at 11:00 AM  
Blogger babydufus said...

rachel... i think you started to...

February 11, 2005 at 3:24 PM  

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