oh the things you see when you've forgotten that you do have a camera with you.
first - he's taking his dog out for a walk/run/drag. the poor animal just wants to stop and take a leak but is mostly keeping up with him. he's holding the leash in one hand while he pedals about.
second - let me describe his outfit. it was chilly this morning, so he's wearing some thick gloves, a hooded sweatshirt with the hood up underneath his aerodymanically styled bike helmet.
(hello fashion police) over the hoodie is a heavier weight jacket. and he's wearing blue spandex pants. yes. that's right
third- he's over weight and cellulousified. ew.
so here i am doing under ten miles an hour following mr fancy pants... don't you already know that the road is bumpy. his glutius, which is quite maximus has done a good job of swallowing the bike seat upon which it is resting (i think there's a bike seat there,) is jiggling wildly like a piece of jello in an earthquake... right in front of my face... i find myself so caught up in laughing like a maniac, that i don't even bother to blow the horn to get him to more his fat axe so i can get to work.
all i can think is that i wish that i had a camera... it's only after coffee that i realize i did indeed have a camera... butt then again, on second thought, maybe pretty lucky for you that i had forgotten all about it.. because funny as it was... that's not really something anyone wants to see.
so where the lesson here?... good question.
don't be a stranger